Kraken 580 Orange/Blue
Brand new orange/blue 2024 scheme!
The all new and innovative mid size Kraken! It features very similar design aspects with its bigger brother, the Kraken 700, all in 580 sized package!
Main and tail blades included.
This is the first mid-size Goblin to accept up to 600mm rotor blades!
The Kraken 580 works amazingly well with mini cyclic servos (torque over 8 Kg-cm). Kit includes servo mounts for mini-servos. Full size servo mounts available separately. The Kraken 580 utilizes the same battery trays as the Kraken 700. The motor pulleys are the already mass produced H0015-xx-S series. Minimum motor shaft length is 26mm (We recommend using a 6mm diameter motor shaft). The Xnova "B shaft" length is perfect!
- Airframe weight: 1760 grams (with blades, no battery, no electronics).
- Main blade length: 550mm to 600mm
- Tail blade length: 95 to 105 mm
- Main rotor diameter: 1270 mm (with 570 mm blades included)
- Tail rotor diameter: 260 mm (with 95 mm tail blades included)
- Cyclic Servos: Mini size 35 mm (standard size 40mm optional)
- Tail Servo: Standard size 40mm.
- Main Rotor ratio: 11.5 to 8.6 :1 ( 22T included: 9.4:1)
- Tail Rotor ratio: 5.3-4.9:1 ( 23T included: 4.9:1 )
- Typical motor: 4025 series, 6S 1000-1200 Kv, 12S 500-600 Kv
- Typical speed controller: 6S 120-140 A, 12S 100-130A
- Battery size: 6S 5000/5800 mAh, 12S 2600/3200 mAh.